One God News
Faith Perspectives and Stories That Matter


Welcome to One God News, your trusted source for Christian and Religious news from the United States and worldwide. Our commitment is to provide accurate, unbiased information that matters to Christians. We adhere to high standards of journalism, striving to present facts objectively, empowering readers to form opinions based on our information. Our team covers stories of faith, persecution, kindness, and relevant political and social issues impacting the Christian community, fostering meaningful discussion.

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First Pentecostal Church Of Buford Destroyed By Fire Thanksgiving Night
First Pentecostal Church Of Buford Destroyed By Fire Thanksgiving Night
Late on Thanksgiving night, November 28, 2024, a fire ravaged the First Pentecostal Church of Buford, a historic landmark that has stood in the heart of downtown Buford, Georgia, since the 1930s. The fire, which started in the church's attic, quickly escalated, leading to a dramatic scene as firefighters worked through the night to control the blaze, ultimately leaving the cherished community structure in ruins.
Louisiana Ten Commandments Law Blocked
Louisiana Ten Commandments Law Blocked
A federal judge in Louisiana has just hit pause on a new law that wanted every classroom in public schools to show the Ten Commandments. This law, which was going to start in 2025, was stopped because people argued it went against the Constitution by mixing religion with public education. This decision has stirred up a big debate about religion in schools, with different sides taking strong stands on what this means for American values, education, and the separation of church and state.
Kamala Dismisses Jesus At Political Rally
Kamala Dismisses Jesus At Political Rally
At a political event meant to rally support and foster unity, a simple declaration of faith led to a moment that has since captured the attention of many across the United States. When an attendee at a Kamala Harris rally proclaimed, "Jesus is Lord," the response from the Vice President was swift to proclaim "You are at the wrong rally!". This response has been interpreted by some as dismissive of religious expression in political spaces. This article delves into the implications of this unexpected turn of events, exploring how it resonates with Christian conservatives and what it signifies about the current political climate regarding religious freedom.
A Battle For Religious Freedom In Schools
A Battle For Religious Freedom In Schools
In an age where the lines between church and state are increasingly scrutinized, Christian families find themselves at the forefront of a pivotal legal and cultural battle over religious freedom in America's public schools. This struggle touches the very core of how young minds are introduced to values and beliefs, challenging the traditional role of faith in education. As school boards implement curricula that reflect a diverse, often secular worldview, many Christian parents and educators are rallying to preserve their right to guide their children's spiritual and moral education according to their faith. This article delves into the heart of this conflict, exploring how religious freedoms are being contested, defended, and redefined within the educational landscape.
Religious Violence In Nigeria
Religious Violence In Nigeria
In the heart of Africa, a silent but deadly conflict simmers, largely unnoticed by the global community. Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has become a focal point for one of the most underreported crises of our time: the systematic targeting and killing of Christians due to their faith. This article delves into the escalating violence, its reasons, and the international response, or lack thereof, stressing the crucial need for international attention and involvement.
1 Corinthians 6:1 (KJV)

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?